Terrapin MultiNet is a fully integrated email server and web proxy. Terrapin MultiNet enables you to bring the Internet to every desktop in your organisation, quickly, securely and economically
Email for All
Your people will be emailing each other and the rest of the world in minutes. MultiNet works with all the major email clients and so the front end for email in The Office is your choice. MultiNet only sends email to the Internet if it is indeed for an external recipient. Your business stays inside your organisation.
Keeping Control
MultiNet can let know you visits what on the web and when. Advanced content validation helps ensure that only the best of the Internet comes into your organisation. Optional Interfaces to leading antivirus agents enable MultiNet to protect against malicious content at the Gateway.
Security First
MultiNet authenticates every Attempt to access the Internet. Your users must provide explicit permission for software to communicate outside your organisation. MultiNet keeps your network private and when correctly configured your user's machines cannot be accessed from the Internet.
Go for Growth
MultiNet grows with your needs. Core functionality can be expanded at any time from an online library of Installable Services. Services which are currently available include, shared address books, scripting language, antivirus agent interfaces, Port Mapper....